#!/bin/bash # sync offlineimap if you have connection to the internet # and you can ping your imap server successfully. # shamelessly stolen from # https://hobo.house/2015/09/09/take-control-of-your-email-with-mutt-offlineimap-notmuch/ source /home/rothe/.profile imapserver=$(cat ~/.offlineimaprc | grep remotehost | awk '{print $3}') imapactive=$(ps -ef | grep '[o]fflineimap' | wc -l) netactive=$(ping -c3 $imapserver >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo up || echo down) mailsync="/usr/bin/offlineimap -o -u quiet" # kill offlineimap if active, sometimes it hangs case $imapactive in '1') killall offlineimap && sleep 5 ;; esac # Check that you can access the SMTP server case $netactive in 'up') $mailsync ;; 'down') : ;; esac